[these are way in the north of the country--the border with Israel is in the south]
And, Tom will not want me to share this, but he was invited to participate in a swim race at our gym. It was the 10th anniversary of the place and there were all kinds of things going on. He was not wild about the idea, and up to the last minute wasn't sure he would do it. And it turned out to be the day after a strenuous hike, so the muscles weren't raring to go. But he went for it, and was beaten by half a length by a man 25 years younger who used to be on a swim team in high school. Go Gnarlo!
We went on a loooooooooooooong hike in the aforementioned C/Shouf Mountains yesterday.
Beautiful country, home of the Druze. It was only 12 km (7 1/2 km) but felt (to me anyway) like lots more--plenty of uphill.
Above, me with MJ.
And here are some cool salamanders--black with yellow spots.