Sunday, January 27, 2008

Beirut in the news again...or not

For those of you who worry or just wonder, the latest action involves unhappy, cold poor people who held demonstrations against lack of electricity in their areas. A few people were killed in confrontations with the Army, I think, though this just happened in the last few hours and details are scarce. Roving power cuts are part of life here, but apparently they hit South Beirut disproportionately, and of course those people are less likely to have backup generators like we do here in Ras Beirut.

Nice to know: I got three text messages on my UN-issued cell phone this evening about the situation, saying exactly where it was and advising me to stay away from the area. UN security is really on top of things.

After the car bombing Friday Ben said it didn't even make page one of the BBC web news. Two weeks in a row and you slip to page three...

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