Thursday, May 8, 2008


Evening, local time

How quickly things can deteriorate...
Most of the news reports that come out of Beirut have not indicated the reality. But this time we can hear the gunfire. We are staying inside and are safe. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail. We are also hopeful that the step up in conflict will prompt a compromise. Who knows? Lebanon and its people are genuinely fantastic. It is just these special interests that are more like mob families who keep everything on edge.

The UN radio advises us to stay indoors and away from windows... We live on a short, quiet street and so shouldn't be in anyone's line of fire.

Thankfully our VHF radio, phone, cell phone and TV are all operational, so we feel well informed. Our English TV channels are BBC and Al Jazeera English. We have food and water, and have just opened a bottle of wine to combat the jitters...

The gardenia on the balcony picked this day to bloom for the first time.

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