Sunday, September 28, 2008

Late September

The weather has mellowed and it’s lovely. We are down to 2 showers a day! It is 80° F and 54 % humidity. Speaking of showers, it rained for the first time since March (?), maybe April, last week. The new ACS teachers showed no sympathy for excited students who rushed to the window to watch it.

I had to temporarily suspend my hanging of laundry out the window, an activity that still causes me some heart-fluttering moments as I stretch out the waist-high fourth floor window to reach the third and fourth line out. Having (temporarily) lost various articles to cheap clothespins or the wind in the past, prompting a trip to the thankfully patient neighbors on floor three or to the concierge on the ground floor, as a matter of principle I always use two pins on the underwear…

Anyway the rain was nice. It did. However, postpone a planned hike in the cedars, complete with home cooked meal in a village and an invitation to participate in harvesting apples. Hopefully, next week.

Eid--the end of Ramadan--will be this week. It is a mystery to me why the exact date can’t be known in advance. It has to do with spotting the new moon--wouldn’t you think you could predict the date of the moon’s appearance? Anyway, Tom’s school had been given Wednesday - Friday off, and it now is thought that the holiday will actually be on Tuesday--so he gets that off too! We are going to rent a car for the first time (always new thrills to be faced in life, eh?) and visit the one corner of the country we have not yet seen--Hermel, up in the north east. Wish us luck--we will be taking the main Beirut-Damascus highway over to the Bekaa Valley.

One more Ramadan note: for us wimpy old foreigners, one good thing about this month is that dining with Lebanese friends is at such a reasonable hour for us: 6:30, sunset. Ordinarily the hour of choice is 8:00 or 9:00 pm. A weird culture mix: Hard Rock Café for iftar (fast breaking meal). Tom had a cheeseburger.

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