Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lebanese unity government

Six months after an 18 month governmentless-deadlock that ended after all the parties were whisked off to Qatar, lots of money exchanged hands, and the head of the Army was appointed president, Lebanon's many factions have finally agreed on a cabinet. The 30 member body is led by [Sunni] Saad Hariri, son of the slain and far more charismatic Rafiq Hariri. There is a Shiite Foreign Minister, a Greek Orthodox Defense Minister, and a Hezbollah Agriculture Minister. Each seat was designated for a certain party, with no apparent regard for the qualifications particular individuals might bring to the posts.

Among the 30 member cabinet are 6 Sunnis, 6 Maronite Christians, 5 Shiites, 4 Orthodox Christians, 3 Druze, 1 Catholic, 1 Protestant, and 1 Armenian Orthodox.

In the What a Difference a Vowel Makes Department

For sale sign in a car window:


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